Cocaine Bear Grandma has Launched!


While I tend to create family-friendly, all-ages content, this one is a bit different. Inspired by an out-of-context comment shared by my spouse - “What is the inner life of cocaine bear grandma?” - it started out as a humorous mock-up and somehow ended up as an actual game.  Personally, I blame Pandion Games’ Hints & Hijinx system for being far too easy to use.

So, what is Cocaine Bear Grandma? I'm glad you asked!

The year was 1967. Smarting from a string of unsuccessful missions, the CIA think-tank tasked with assassinating Castro turned to less conventional ideas. Yes, even less conventional than poisoned cigars and booby-trapped seashells. Like, “What if we train a bear to be a femme fatale special agent, give it a LOT of cocaine, and drop it in his yard?” levels of less conventional. Exactly that level, actually.

You are that bear.

Despite the speed with which you took to the role - and the cocaine - the mission was ultimately scrubbed. After several years of classified service, you retired. Having long since grown used to humans, you settled down in a small town to enjoy your nice government pension. It was a peaceful life, doting on the neighborhood kids, sitting on the porch swing, and enjoying mystery novels.

Then someone stole your bees and their cocaine-laced honey.

Now get out there, hunt down the culprits, and get those bees back!


Cocaine Bear Grandma v1 (A5, color).pdf 11 MB
Sep 27, 2023
Cocaine Bear Grandma v1 (A5, b&w).pdf 7 MB
Sep 27, 2023
Cocaine Bear Grandma v1 (half-letter, color).pdf 6.4 MB
Sep 28, 2023
Cocaine Bear Grandma v1 (half-letter, b&w).pdf 4.8 MB
Sep 28, 2023

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